Thursday, February 26, 2009

Exam Anxiety Help

Exam anxiety can affect people at different levels. While slight test stress can help by providing alertness, readiness, and helping you to concentrate,on the other hand excessive exam anxiety can result in stress and negatively affect performance. There are many causes and symptoms that can lead to such a situation.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The first tip in getting treatment for panic attack involves engaging the mind. A panic attack assaults a person with an intense fear most of the time. If you are able to steer your thoughts away from these negative emotions, you will soon be very successful in handling the attack. You must know that you are in no real danger of dying, and there is nothing to be afraid of. Speaking loudly is often a good tip in treating a panic attack. The sound of your own voice telling your mind that everything will be fine is a tremendous source of comfort.

Moreover slowing down your breathing ia another in treating panic attack . There is often an urge to take shallow breaths, which leads to hyperventilation when the atytack starts. A good tip to treat yourself during a panic attack is to place your hand on your stomach to become more aware of your breathing. Take slow, deliberate breaths until you feel yourself relax.

Another effective tip in treating a panic attack involves "letting go". A few times a person who is experiencing an attack will concentrate on their symptoms until they are magnified. Granted, shortness of breath and chest pain are very real symptoms, but if you focus on them, they tend to seem worse. Instead, cause your mind to think beyond your physical symptoms. Panic attacks ,in most cases,last a very brief time. Remind yourself of this fact.

Long Term Panic Attacks Treatment Tips

While the tips already mentioned above are good, proper treatment can eliminate panic attacks. Remember that the most effective tips to treating panic attacks do not involve taking addictive medication. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is one method of treatment, in which a person's triggers for an attack are determined.A person can learn coping mechanisms by recognizing the thoughts or situations that precede an attack. Relaxation techniques, like tai chi or yoga are excellent ways to curb anxiety and decrease stress. Many people have success using natural remedies like lavender and lemon balm. By regularly taking St. John's Wort is often cited as an effective tip for treating panic attacks. Good health habits, like getting proper nutrition, sleep and exercise are additional ways to manage this disorder.