Monday, September 7, 2009

Anxiety Behavioral Therapy

In case you are on a anxiety cognitive behavior therapy, you might have to recreate the situation when you are anxious for instance when you have to get up in front of people to give a speech, your doctor may recreate this and get his colleagues to watch you give a speech, or something to that effect.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Performance Anxiety In Athletes

Performance anxiety in athletes has been recognized by mental health practitioners for many years. When athletes choke during competition or during specific times during the competition,is a sign of anxiety in many athletes .Choking during competition is describe as a decrease in performance due to excessive stress.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Paranoia Panic Attack

Paranoia panic attack differs from panic attack brought on by stress . There are ,in fact,a few things that will trigger a terrifying belief for the person experiencing paranoia such as a memory that caused fear for that perrson and can become so severe that the person will begin to experience physical problems that are usually associated with panic and anxiety attacks.

Monday, July 27, 2009

The relationship between alcohol and panic attacks

Alcohol and panic attacks are related ,but many people do not understand how this may happen. Be informed that a glass of alcohol is used to help you relax and take the edge off of a long day. Alcohol does ,in fact,help most individuals to calm them in small doses but for others is can cause a problem and a panic attack can occur.

Friday, July 24, 2009

How To Handle Anxiety And Panic Attacks

It is not a big problem to treat anxiety once we know how to handle it. Unfortunately most sufferers do not know how to handle such a problem and it leads to the disorder becoming more intense. To stop it, you must be ready and willing to fight anxiety.

In order to handle severe panic attacks and anxiety you need to get some basic self-help tips. Here are a few tips that are being shared by psychologists to help people approach anxiety effectively.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

How To Stop A Panic Attack

If you suffer from intermittent panic attacks you would know how difficult it is to cope with it and to function normally while you would apprehend the next panic attack. The fact that it is very difficult if not impossible to stop panic attack from occurring adds to the build up of anxiety.

More on how to stop a panic attack.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Pills For Anxiety

There are many different pills for anxiety available today. Some of them can be taken on a regular basis, while there are others that can be taken on a need basis.

More on pills for anxiety

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How to Manage Test Anxiety

A few students feel mainly physical distress symptoms, such as ,nausea,headaches, faintness, felling too hot or too cold, etc.
Whereas many others express more emotion, wanting to cry or laugh too much, or feeling angry or helpless.
The major problem to manage test anxiety is usually its effect on thinking ability; it can cause you to blank out or have racing thoughts that are difficult to control.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Claustrophobia Treatment Explained

Claustrophobia arises when the mind makes the association that small spaces psychologically translate to some imminent danger. Such a reaction occurs as the result of a bad past experience such as being trapped in an elevator during a power blackout, or after experiencing a panic attack and feeling the urgent need to escape.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Exam Anxiety Help

Exam anxiety can affect people at different levels. While slight test stress can help by providing alertness, readiness, and helping you to concentrate,on the other hand excessive exam anxiety can result in stress and negatively affect performance. There are many causes and symptoms that can lead to such a situation.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The first tip in getting treatment for panic attack involves engaging the mind. A panic attack assaults a person with an intense fear most of the time. If you are able to steer your thoughts away from these negative emotions, you will soon be very successful in handling the attack. You must know that you are in no real danger of dying, and there is nothing to be afraid of. Speaking loudly is often a good tip in treating a panic attack. The sound of your own voice telling your mind that everything will be fine is a tremendous source of comfort.

Moreover slowing down your breathing ia another in treating panic attack . There is often an urge to take shallow breaths, which leads to hyperventilation when the atytack starts. A good tip to treat yourself during a panic attack is to place your hand on your stomach to become more aware of your breathing. Take slow, deliberate breaths until you feel yourself relax.

Another effective tip in treating a panic attack involves "letting go". A few times a person who is experiencing an attack will concentrate on their symptoms until they are magnified. Granted, shortness of breath and chest pain are very real symptoms, but if you focus on them, they tend to seem worse. Instead, cause your mind to think beyond your physical symptoms. Panic attacks ,in most cases,last a very brief time. Remind yourself of this fact.

Long Term Panic Attacks Treatment Tips

While the tips already mentioned above are good, proper treatment can eliminate panic attacks. Remember that the most effective tips to treating panic attacks do not involve taking addictive medication. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is one method of treatment, in which a person's triggers for an attack are determined.A person can learn coping mechanisms by recognizing the thoughts or situations that precede an attack. Relaxation techniques, like tai chi or yoga are excellent ways to curb anxiety and decrease stress. Many people have success using natural remedies like lavender and lemon balm. By regularly taking St. John's Wort is often cited as an effective tip for treating panic attacks. Good health habits, like getting proper nutrition, sleep and exercise are additional ways to manage this disorder.